Alexandrian Archives: Place to learn and share knowledge
A Game of Thrones leads us to the World of Westeros as we follow the Stark family and them fighting for survival after the death of their King and traitors in every corner, Daenerys Targaryen after being married off at a young age and becoming a ruler of a dispersed people and various other characters in this intriguing start to one of fantasy's most known book series.
A fantastic debut fantasy with Slavic Folklore and Bulgarian Folklore written by a Bulgarian author!
The first book in a new trilogy that follows the events during the Mongol invasion of the Persian Empire…
A fantastic novella from the best-selling author of The Green Bone Saga that showcases her writing talent
A review of The Screaming Staircase, book 1 of Lockwood and Co. that Mila stumbled upon after having binge-watched the show (2 times and counting)

Mila’s Bookish Lists
In honour of AAPI Heritage Month and the Asian readathon, here are some of Mila’s recs as well as a TBR…
Mila’s anticipated releases of 2022! Come read and prepare for your TBR to get even longer!
Book Reviews 2021
Hernandez blasts off the first sci-fi book in the RR Presents Imprint with a hilariously heartfelt story about friendship, families and, of course, the multiverse
In a race against deadly enemies, Ana will make amazing friends and astounding discoveries about her heritage as she puts her leadership skills to the test for the first time…
Paige is a dreamwalker, a clairvoyant and, in the world of Scion, she commits treason simply by breathing.
Good Omens meets The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet in this defiantly joyful adventure set in California's San Gabriel Valley, with cursed violins, Faustian bargains, and queer alien courtship over fresh-made donuts.
A firebird is reborn on the borders of Russia, a gate to a world of monsters and magic is breaking, and only a reluctant, untrained shaman stands in the way of a flood of supernatural darkness...
Great Achilles. Brilliant Achilles, shining Achilles, godlike Achilles...oh how the epithets pile up. We never called him any of those things; we called him 'the butcher’…
It should not be this difficult to stay prisoner on a pirate ship. This is the second time I’ve had to stage my own capture. Ridiculous.
What starts off as a simple matter of exorcism, however, becomes more complicated as the origins of the demon inside are revealed…
A princess in exile, a shapeshifting dragon, six enchanted cranes, and an unspeakable curse…

Mila is a Fourth Year Classical Studies Student in Canada. She created the Library of Alexandria Archives in November of 2020 on Instagram but her Bookstagram journey originally started in March of 2020. In her spare time, Mila likes to read, research and listen to music. She also likes to bike to the library because it's one of her favourite places in the whole world and over-spend money on books at Indigo. She is fluent in three languages and loves taking aesthetic pictures for the gram.