Grave Peril by Jim Butcher
Book 3, let’s go!
This one was definitely a step up from Fool Moon (yes, there, I said it) but it wasn’t too far of a step up to be honest.
In this one, there’s vampires. Those are the big bad guys. Although, the title doesn’t really give that away which is interesting (unless it does and I am unaware of it).
Basically, after the events of Fool Moon and especially Storm Front, where we meet the loveliest character by the name of Bianca (yes, that is sarcastic. Yes, I hate her), the vamps are back (Bianca is one of the big bad vamps. Fun time tbh).
We meet a new character named Michael and he is a Knight of the Cross and I think it’s an interesting approach for Butcher to casually slide in religious themes. Loved the whole sword thing and the little bits where Dresden would swear (like say the word “hell”) and Michael would be like “Harry!” and Harry would be like “heck!), I found it hilarious to be honest because it brought back memories when we would swear (in French) and if a teacher was close, we would change the word slightly so we could get into trouble (a lot of the swears we used were related to Catholicism and Christianity and I went to a Catholic French School lol)
I looked up some of the reviews of StoryGraph and a lot of them are fairly positive! I think that this is the part where Butcher really takes the leap to making the story, plot-wise and character-wise even better. I think that Butcher is really giving us little bits and pieces of the world and characters because all of Dresden’s actions clearly will have consequences in the future and the one thing I hate the most is when the authors give the character too much of leeway and just let them get away with things and there are no consequences at all.
That being said, I enjoyed this one wayyy more than Fool Moon (Fool Moon is at the bottom of the list in terms of ranking I think.) but hey, I know that it gets better (as of writing this, I have finished the first six books!)
Rating: 4.75/5 stars