Musaeum Society: March Book Pick

I am so, so excited to announce that, thanks to everyone that voted, the March Book for the Musaeum Society has been picked!

As a full-time student, I personally couldn’t afford buying another book (because I need to read my owned books AND I most recently spent money at Indigo) so I looked towards my shelves. Now, I did sort of tweak one category but it technically also follows the winning category.

So, here are the final results of the Polls:

Genre winner: Fantasy

Page Number Winner: 300-500

Standalone vs Series Winner: Standalone

Now here’s where it gets a bit tricky. The book picked (by me lol), according to the author, is a standalone and completely self-contained but, there is a second book that is a companion and again, a standalone and self-contained, both set in the same world. I have also included all the details, including trigger warnings for those that want to know whether they should skip the March book.

And so, drum roll, please! The March Musaeum Society Pick is:

Hall of Smoke by H.M.Long!

I am so excited to read this one with you guys! H.M.Long is a Canadian author so, you’ll be supporting a Canadian author, should you decide to join us and purchase/borrow the book! So please check your libraries if you don’t want to buy it (for whatever reason).

You can get the book at Indigo, Barnes and Noble, and your local indie bookstores! It is also available on Kobo (for only 11.19!) as well as Amazon US, Amazon Canada and Kindle. And of course, can’t forget my friends from across the Pond, it is available at Waterstones as well! I hope you guys will join us and read the book as well!

Here are more details <3

(Just an FYI, you are welcome to choose whatever store and whatever link BUT keep in mind, if you are buying an e-book, I recommend using Kobo. It is completely separate from Amazon, not giving Mr. Bezos any more money than he needs. Not to mention, you don’t need to pay monthly for Kobo, you can buy the book right away, you might just have to sign up for an account which is completely and utterly free! So please, just keep it in mind!)




Musaeum Society: April Book Pick


Musaeum Society Book Club*: Announcement