Musaeum Society: April Book Pick

I am so, SO stoked about the book that has been chosen for April. A HUGE thanks to everyone that voted because it helps me narrow it down and choose and it makes sure it’s a book you guys want as well! As usual, a little disclaimer: As a full time student, I tried to limit myself to books I already own/my library has because I have bought a lot of books recently. As usual, all relevant buy links will be at the end.

Here are the winning results:

Genre winner: Fantasy, Dark Academia coming in as a close second

Page number winner: 300-500

Standalone vs Series: Anything goes! actually won.

Again, it’s not exactly a book I chose easily and it was slightly tweaked. A random name generator chose it. It is the first book in a finished trilogy (you can literally binge-read the whole series) and there is actually a collection of stories coming out soon in physical format, with the audiobook format out already!

And so, without further ado, the Musaeum Society April Book pick is:

The City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty

I am so excited for this one! I did read it back in 2019 but at the time, the third book was not out yet and I didn’t want to wait too long (lol) so I am excited to (technically) re-read it and then hoping for a reason to finally finish the series and read River of Silver! Super excited because the author has a pirate-y book in progress I believe as well :)

You can get the book at Indigo, Barnes and Noble and from your local via IndieBound. It is also available on Kobo, Amazon US, Amazon Canada, and Kindle. For those on the other side of the world, in Europe, you can get the book at Waterstones OR if you wanna support an indie bookstore based in the UK, you can order a copy from The Broken Binding (and buy Illborn while you’re at it) Apologies if this post is a tad late!

More details can be found below <3

(Just an FYI, you are welcome to choose whatever store and whatever link BUT keep in mind, if you are buying an e-book, I recommend using Kobo. It is completely separate from Amazon, not giving Mr. Bezos any more money than he needs. Not to mention, you don’t need to pay monthly for Kobo, you can buy the book right away, you might just have to sign up for an account which is completely and utterly free! So please, just keep it in mind!)




Musaeum Society: May Book Pick


Musaeum Society: March Book Pick