Musaeum Society: May Book Pick

Here we are at the almost end of April and I am a tad late with announcing the May Pick for the Musaeum Society Book Club. If you have been following me, I usually post a few polls on my story and then based of the results (polls being genre, length, series/standalone, etc) I go to my bookshelves and pick a book I think would be a good one to read for that month!

Well, here’s where I may cheated slightly.

The explanation is simple: May is my birthday month (even though I was born on the last day…) and so, to keep up the 5 star reads streak that I am on (not counting the one lower-than-5-stars-book), I wanted to choose a book myself because then I can choose a book that is a guaranteed 5 star. The only way I could truly guarantee it is if I chose a book I had previously read that was a 5 star read in the past.

With that out of the way, I wanna preface this by saying that you should check trigger warnings because this book gets very dark, very quickly and it might be very triggering. I will include a link to the full list of warnings, you can click here. Please do not pick up this specific book follows a very bloody time in human history and the author truly does not shy away from the horrors of war.

Here is the book info:


Page number:

Standalone vs Series: First in a finished trilogy

I promise that the June book will hopefully not be as dark as this one! If you are planning on skipping, that’s perfectly fine :)

That being said, here is the May pick:

The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang

I am super excited to re-read this one! This is also me forcing myself to re-read the whole series and finally finish The Burning God because I stopped reading it halfway through because I was scared. LISTEN, in my defence, the tweet Kuang sent out before TBG went out saying she was sorry about Kitay, who is my favourite character, has been living rent-free in my head and I am scared she truly killed him off. I cannot stress this enough, PLEASE do not read this book before checking the trigger warnings. This book is very much inspired by the second Sino-Japanese war which is a very, very bloody time during human history.

You can get the book at Indigo, Barnes and Noble and from your local via IndieBound. It is also available on Kobo, Amazon US, Amazon Canada, and Kindle. For those on the other side of the world, in Europe, you can get the book at Waterstones.

More details can be found below

(Just an FYI, you are welcome to choose whatever store and whatever link BUT keep in mind, if you are buying an e-book, I recommend using Kobo. It is completely separate from Amazon, not giving Mr. Bezos any more money than he needs. Not to mention, you don’t need to pay monthly for Kobo, you can buy the book right away, you might just have to sign up for an account which is completely and utterly free! So please, just keep it in mind!)




Musaeum Society: April Book Pick