Musaeum Society Book Club*: Announcement

*Formerly: Library of Alexandria Archives Book Club

I am really happy to announce that, after a lot of pondering, I have decided to revive my book club! Formerly known as the “Library of Alexandria Archives Book Club” (Whew what a mouthful!), I wanted to choose a more niche and simpler (lol) title but one that still gave the whole “dark academia” and “Library of Alexandria” and “old library/secret society” vibe. So, I asked on Instagram if anyone wanted to be admins and help me with a few things.

First point of order: A new name

We all agreed that we needed a simpler name. I wanted to still have something with “library” or a synonym/similar word and wanted to still keep a secret society vibe because that is what I had in mind when I initially created the LoA Archives. One of our admins, Leslie, suggested just having the name “Alexandria Book Club”. That’s one idea. Another admin, Zoe, suggested “Book Club of Alexandria”. That’s suggestion #2. My idea was “Alexandrian Society Book Club” which still is a slight mouthful and definitely was a bit redundant.

At this point I was on Google, trying to find synonyms. Then, in a moment of genius, I searched up “Library of Alexandria” and went onto the Wikipedia page (cue my history teachers cringing) and then I stumble upon the word “Mouseion” which means “any place dedicated to the Nine Muses” and this encompassed the Library of Alexandria. Another spelling is Musaeum which is definitely easier to write (and say) and since everyone liked the sound of “Musaeum Society”, which could be said without the “Book Club” part, that’s what we decided to go with!

So, that’s the new name: Musaeum Society Book Club!

Second point of order: The Book Club Pick

So, the hardest part is of course, the book we are going to be reading. I put up a few polls on my stories on Sunday, the 13th of February and my thought process was that YOU would choose the details; genre, page number, whether it’s part of a series or a standalone and then I go to my shelves (cries in being a fantasy reader where there aren’t many standalones). So far, as of the moment that I am writing this blog post (12:25 A.M., 14-02-2022), here are the voting results

Genre: Fantasy is winning; Historical/Ancient world inspired & Anything goes is tied

Page Number: 300-500 pages is a clear winner

Standalone/Series: Standalone & Anything goes is tied with “#1 in a duology” coming in second and “#1 in trilogy” coming in third.

This does not mean that I will use these voting results as of right now but I will wait until the voting stories disappear so there is still time! Go vote! I will update you all on Wednesday with the final results as well as the Book Club Pick!

The book I choose will definitely be one that I have not read yet but is on my TBR and ones people can get easily (easily accessible in bookstores and libraries). You are welcome to read the book in your maternal language if you are from somewhere else in the world and have difficulty accessing books in English!

I hope you guys join the Musaeum Society and come along for the ride! Keep an eye out for the Book announcement for March! I will have all the details on Wednesday as well as a reading schedule for those that want to be organized (for those that need a schedule because they work/study and need some organization! Like me!)




Musaeum Society: March Book Pick