The Will of the Many by James Islington

I received an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my thoughts and opinions in any way.

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If you want a book that’s basically The Secret History x epic fantasy x dark academia with a side of competition (like an actual competition, not just between academic competition), then this is the book for you.

Can I tell you what the hell The Will is? Absolutely not. Do I know what the hell a Transvect is? Also no. Will I continue recommending this book because there is barely any news about it and I need someone to understand what a Transvect is so they can draw it and I can then visualize it properly? Yes. Absolutely yes. Worst comes to worst, I’ll re-read the description and try to understand. Or maybe find the author on Twitter or something.

Anyways, this book was good. We follow Vis who was orphaned after his whole family was killed. He ran away and ended up in an orphanage and at the beginning, he is basically a street fighter.

I think the most confusing bit is the whole thing with “the Will”. Basically, if I’m explaining it the way I understood it, the Will is this inherent thing that everyone has and depending on your rank in society (Octavi, Sextus, Septimus, you see where I’m coming in with the Roman influences?), you either give away your will or you take the will of others which basically makes you super strong. When you give your Will, it’s like giving away your energy and you are weak and almost sickly. Our boy Vis refused to give away his Will - there’s a thing that everyone goes through to be able to give away your Will but Vis fought against it and refused to do it (I don’t remember what it’s called but giving/taking has to be activated in a sense).

Anyways, Vis beats a Sextus (who are incredibly strong) and this person comes into the orphanage, saying that he will adopt someone. All the kids think it’s one of the younger ones but it ends up being Vis. Vis is smart and witty, he’s originally book smart but being orphaned and having to survive taught him how to be street smart as well. His adopted father is a big character in society - he’s super powerful. And rich. He wants Vis to go to the mysterious “Academy”, to get into class 3 and win a grand competition that only the class 3’s do (but class 4’s also join to help).

I can’t say much without spoiling a lot but I really thought that the way Vis grew was interesting. The academic aspect reminded me very much of what Rin went through in The Poppy War.

I have to admit, I was a bit confused by the ending but that’s probably partly because I read too fast cause I was so anxious to finish the book and see what happens but nevertheless, the ending took me by surprise (I mean like my jaw dropped whilst on the bus home shocked) and I still think about it to this day.

Anyways, this was fantastic and I’m so happy that I got a chance to read an ARC although most of the descriptions def went over my head (lol).

Highly recommend!

You can buy the book here!

Rating: 5/5 stars




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